***T-Time Tip Of The Day***

Does your hormonal treatment have you feeling flustered and unavailable to get your cognitive coordination correct?

One healthy tip to help align yourself that helps me is connecting with nature. When I feel overwhelmed and unable to properly focus properly I stop and make myself enjoy a breath of fresh air. Today I decided to feed the birds while enjoying my breath of air to show my appreciation to mother nature for her always calming effects.

Do you have any relaxing tips that you want to share with the rest of our Trans brothers & sisters community who may be feeling uneasy and restful?

Comment below and share your cognitive health positive T-Tips so we can all support each other to live happy long safe and healthy lives.

Looking for transitional health wellness and lifestyle advice? Make us to follow us on Instagram and Facebook at @ttimetips or visit us online at www.t-timetips.ca

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